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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Books -- Jon Armstrong's Grey

I still haven't settled into an actual posting schedule here. The best I can say for now is I'll post once a week, maybe more. For example, watch for a post on Cloverfield probably on Tuesday.

In the meantime, though, the Phillip K. Dick nominations were announced recently, and among the nominees is a book I had the joy of experiencing through our friends at Podiobooks. That is Jon Armstrong's Grey.

This novel looks at a dystopic future through the lens of our fascination with reality media and celebrity news, among other things. Michael Rivers, heir to the Rivergroup security corporation, is wooing Nora, scion of MKG, in hopes of merging the companies. They mesh well, with similar fashion sense and interest in the highly artistic fashion magazine Pure H. Then Rivers is shot, and his long strange voyage begins amidst the resulting conflict between the companies, and even the mysteries between his own parents from two vastly different worlds. What secrets lie in Michael's past? Will he be reunited with Nora? What is his father's big plan?

I haven't had this much fun with a dystopic future since Snow Crash, and that's saying something. Granted, Grey is not as deep as Stephenson's work, but it's not going to that same place, either. It goes somewhere all its own, and does so well.

You can check out the podcast for free, of course, or you can hunt down the book from NightShade Books.

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